Dublexo Frej Sofa Bed Smoked Oak
Dublexo Frej in smoked oak is a new addition to our Splitback family. Relying on the Nordic design era, the warm, smoked oak arm rests give Dublexo a new touch, enhancing its contemporary yet classic design..
Design by Per Weiss, Oliver & Lukas WeissKrogh 2011, 2015
Dublexo Frej is a simple and curious sofa bed that allows multiple settings in various locations. A gorgeous eye-catcher that has a smooth and clear shape, characterized by a dual mattress and the warm oak armrest that makes up a modern and stunning sofa bed. The mattress features the iconic Innovation Living three level split back – vertical, rest and horizontal – and has a soft Pocket Spring Dual composition. Place it against the wall or freely in the room as the centerpiece of the room. Add the Dublexo Frej- or Eik chair for a complete modular concept that will Expand Your Living Space.