Dublexo Eik Sofa Bed Oak
Elegance and ease, space conscious and smart. The contemporary design of the Dublexo Eik sofa enables you to have a Danish designed sofa bed that allows you to Expand Your Living Space..
Design by Per Weiss, Oliver & Lukas WeissKrogh 2011, 2015
Dublexo is crafted from the belief of bringing a sofa bed that optimizes space whilst being a stylish furniture design appropriate for almost every room. Regular and elegant at a glance, but multifunctional in use. Dublexo’s divided backrests fold flat for easy conversion from sofa to bed. It features a durable steel frame, establishing the foundation for comfortable seating, relaxing and resting where the dual pocket spring comfort ensures a soft and supportive comfort. The modular concept converts into a lounger or bed while the matching Dublexo Eik chair completes the arrangement of a fully modular system that fits into a wide range of scenarios and settings.
Additional Information
- Back with three step elevation
Legs Lacquered oak
The Pocket Spring Dual comfort share the general composition of the Pocket Spring models apart from the extra layer of hyper soft foam that gives these sofa beds an extra soft feel. This extra layer of luxury provides a soft seating comfort as well as a mattress recommended for everyday sleeping.
Comfort: Pocket Spring Dual
Comfort Type: Soft
Comfort Spring Height: 3, 9''
Gap From Floor To Base 6,3"
Sofa Depth 38"
Sofa Width 83"
Sofa Height 32"
Seat Depth 21"
Seat Height 17"
Bed Width 45"
Bed Length 83"
Bed Height 17"
Mattress Height 8, 7''
Ready to ship